Crane Crews
What is a Crane Crew?
A crane crew consists of 3, which include a crane operator and 2 Dogman, this could also change depending on the layout of the construction site.
At Panda Crane Crew, our crews are highly trained and expertise in different methods of communication either via 2 way radio, professional whistle calls or via hand signals depending on location of dogman and driver.
Integrity Matters
At Panda Crane Crew our crane crews prioritise safety and work in conjunction with Safety officers to ensure our methods are correct and made suitable to health and safety regulations. Our Crane crews are also up to date with all changes in work safety practices and will ensure they are followed.
Any potential site Hazards are either dealt with immediately or if required are communicated to the site safety officer and any other affected immediately by the potential hazard.
Our crane crews can also provide SWMS (Safe Work Method Statement) to ensure our clients know what to expect from our crews.
We work specifically with Tower Cranes.
What are the benefits of working with Panda Crane Crew.
- Increased transportation economics due to reduced number of packages with limited weights.
- Increased work space by reducing space requirement on the ground
- Tower Cranes are designed for Rapid erection and fast implementation
- We specifically design to site requirements for smooth movement and rapid productivity.
Do it once. Do it right.
“Do it once Do it right” this is a statement our crane crews stand by and maintain to the highest of professional standards. In order to do this our crane crews communicate heavily with Site foreman, Site managers, Project managers and other key site staff to ensure the service provided meets client needs.
Book your Consultation with PCC today!